Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviating Muscle Pain

At Serenity Health & Wellness, we treat a wide assortment of conditions, including joint issues and general aches and pains. Many residents of Edmonton seek out a chiropractor due to back pain, as back ailments are one of the conditions for which a chiropractor is best known. A common cause of back pain is outdoor work, such as gardening or yard work.

Reducing Muscle Pain When Working Outdoors

When working in your yard and garden, there are steps you can take to reduce muscle pain and aid in recovery after a day of outdoor work:

1. Stretching: Working in the yard often requires you to bend and twist in directions and at angles that you may not move in normally. This can easily lead to muscle pulls and strains. Before working in the yard or garden, stretching exercises can warm up your muscles and help prevent injury.

2. Take Breaks: One of the best ways to avoid injury is not to overdo it. Taking breaks when needed and asking for assistance with larger tasks can help prevent overexertion and injury.

3. Use Heat: If you find yourself in pain after working outside, heat can be helpful. A warm shower or the application of a heating pad can help loosen muscles and reduce pain.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Sometimes back pain is persistent, and professional assistance is necessary. At Serenity Health & Wellness, we provide chiropractic care to assist in the recovery from back pain. Some of our treatment methods include spinal adjustments, which can improve mobility and reduce stress on your muscles, and massages to help sore and tight muscles recover.

Are you looking for a chiropractor near me? We offer our services not only to residents of Edmonton but also to those in the surrounding communities. If your back is hurting after a long day of yard work and doesn't seem to be improving despite your best efforts, reach out to us today to see how we can help you feel better.
