Kinesiotaping FAQs in Edmonton, AB

What Is Kinesiotaping?

If you’ve been to any Edmonton AB sports event in the last few years, you might have seen some athletes wearing some sort of colored tap on their arms, legs, and necks. You might think it has something to do with team spirit or just getting attention. However, colored taping is a practical application of the treatment, Kinesiotaping. Serenity Health & Wellness of Edmonton offers answers to common Kinesiotaping questions.

Kinesiotaping FAQs

How Does Taping Reduce Inflammation?

While the taping is worn during sports by some athletes, Kinesiotaping is generally intended for after-activity recovery. The goal is to lift the skin enough to increase lymphatic drainage. This drainage is one of the ways that the body gets rid of waste from muscle sets, reducing inflammation and pain. Skin is one of the body's largest organs and sits as a layer over muscles. The interstitial space is identified in between, and the muscle tissue swells from use or inflammation. That makes it harder for the body to get rid of lactic acid buildup and similar.

Is Kinesiotaping Scientific or Modern Folklore?

The method is research-based and has been studied in clinical observations for years. The taping is applied to specific muscle pain situations and helps the body work more effectively, improves functions to reduce inflammation, and triggers downstream benefits of faster muscle mass recovery. It also increases circulation, a medically well-known method of increasing healing to a specific area of the body experiencing pain symptoms.

Don’t Volleyball Players start Taping?

Dr. Kenzo Kase created Kinesiotaping. Working at Kinesio University, he determined a method for microlifting of skin layers to produce beneficial healing and muscular waste removal effects. From this initial research, Kinesiotaping was developed based on.

Can It Be Bought at the Pharmacy and Applied?

Not quite. The first step is to have a doctor evaluate your medical condition and determine how best to apply the treatment. Kinesiotaping may not help the root cause of a medical condition, and different strategies are used based on the diagnosis. A typical evaluation will follow mobility testing, current walking, and running patterns, and bone motion confirmation. Then, we will guide the patient on how best to apply the Kinesiotaping.

Where Is Kinesiotaping Offered?

For chiropractic help with a Kinesiotaping evaluation and guidance, Serenity & Health Wellness can help. Whether for competitive sports or general mobility, our chiropractor team is specially trained in applying medical taping for improved muscular recovery and lymphatic performance improvement. YouTube videos and other spotty Internet resources are not needed to know the benefits of Kinesiotaping. Call (780) 486-0710 to get started today.


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