Cox Flexion Distraction in Edmonton, AB

Cox Flexion Distraction Technique at Serenity Health and Wellness

Chiropractic care has become a popular alternative treatment method because it provides non-invasive, drug-free techniques to relieve pain from various types of musculoskeletal issues and related problems. One of the techniques we use is Cox Flexion Distraction. Cox Flexion Distraction uses an adjustable table to allow gentle traction to open up the spinal canal. At Serenity Health and Wellness in Edmonton, Alberta, we offer the Cox Flexion Distraction technique to relieve pain. 

Cox Flexion Distraction

What Is Cox Flexion Distraction Technique?

The protocols for the Cox Flexion Distraction technique were developed by Dr. James M. Cox about 50 years ago. The method uses a specialized table that can be adjusted to provide a gentle stretch to the spine that separates the vertebrae to normalize the range of motion. The table is designed to provide gentle release from tension within the body with no discomfort. Our chiropractor will determine the right amount of pressure needed during your session for your individual needs.

Conditions Cox Flexion Distraction Treats

Flexion-distraction can be used to relieve chronic low back pain. Our doctor may also recommend it for neck pain. It is often used to relieve pain from herniated or ruptured discs. This method can also treat pain related to a previous back surgery or degenerative disc problems. We often use flexion-distraction to treat osteoarthritis and spinal problems related to pregnancy. Flexion-distraction can also be used to help certain nerve compression issues. Even arm and leg pain can be relieved using this technique.

What Happens During a Session?

During a session, the patient wears comfortable clothing. They lie face down on the table. Our chiropractor stands over them, performing manual adjustments to the back and changing the position of the table. No violent thrusts are involved in the technique. Instead, gravity and the chiropractor’s hands apply the tension and traction needed to readjust the spinal structures. During the process, our chiropractor controls the table’s motions adjusting it throughout the treatment process for optimal results.

Make Serenity Health and Wellness Your Chiropractor in Edmonton

Dr. Merali and the Serenity Health and Wellness team use their extensive training to help patients in Edmonton, Alberta, maximize their mobility and comfort. We treat a broad range of conditions utilizing many techniques, including spinal manipulation, massage, acupuncture, Kinesiotaping, and other non-invasive methods. Contact Serenity Health and Wellness today at (780) 486-0710 for an appointment or to learn more about Cox Flexion Distraction and other techniques that can help reduce pain and improve movement.


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