Ways a Chiropractor Can Help with Joint Pain

Joint pain is an issue that affects millions of people. Whether it's caused by arthritis, injuries, or just general wear and tear, achy and stiff joints can greatly impact your quality of life. Some people might think that this pain is simply something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, there are ways a chiropractor can help provide relief. If you are looking for chiropractic care from a “chiropractor near me” for joint pain in Alberta, we at Serenity Health & Wellness in Edmonton, AB, are here to help.

Adjustments Bring Alignment

One of the core treatment techniques chiropractors use is spinal and joint adjustments. With their specialized training, chiropractors can perform gentle manipulations to help realign joints that have become restricted or misaligned. Restoring proper alignment can help take pressure off surrounding muscles and nerves while improving mobility.

Targeted Massage Loosens Tissues

Another way chiropractors can treat joint discomfort is through massage therapy. We can use massage to help loosen tight muscles, tendons, and connective tissues around affected joints. This can help encourage greater mobility and blood flow. The increased circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to joint tissues to help aid healing. Massage can also help boost natural pain-relieving endorphins.

Recommending Exercise and Stretches

To keep joints flexible and strong, chiropractors might recommend specific exercises and stretches. We may have you perform moves to enhance the function of areas impacted by joint pain. Simple exercises done regularly at home can complement the hands-on treatments from the chiropractor.

Get Joint Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor

If you struggle with stiff, achy joints, consider contacting Serenity Health & Wellness in Edmonton, AB, to see how chiropractic care can help. Call today to learn more about the joint pain treatment we offer in Alberta and to schedule your first appointment. Call us at (780) 486-0710 for chiropractic care from a “chiropractor near me.”
